
How I Successfully Remained Unnoticeable?

When you are reading this title, you might even think that I am referring to my personal life. Those who know me personally are bound to think on those lines. If you are not thinking in those lines, then it’s certain that you don’t know me enough. Before moving further with this post, please subscribe to this blog by using your email id. I assure you that it will be worth it because you’ll get all the updates first hand. 

About getting noticed or grabbing people’s attention, I never had a real problem. This is because I am taller than the average Indian. Even if I am standing in a crowd, you might notice me from a distance. I am six feet two. 

The story that I am going to tell you is not about one of those occasions when you’d have discovered me in a crowd. This is about the post that I made on my Instagram page a couple of days ago. 

I went to Mattannur, a municipality which neighbours Kannur International Airport with my father a couple of days ago. My visit was mostly necessitated by the need for a vehicle for my father to travel. My father wanted to do an important business there. So he asked me if I could drive him. I was all for it as the day was getting weary and certain matters were getting on my nerves. 

The driving felt like a fresh splash of water on my face. Once we were in Mattannur, my father got off near the bus stand. I had to wait for him for the next thirty minutes. I went ahead and looked for a parking space. On the Mattannur- Iritty road, I found a place marked as “Car Parking by Mattannur Municipality”. It felt like a first of its kind step by the Municipality. Mattannur town always struggled to find enough space for vehicle parking and long traffic snarl-ups were a recurring reality, especially when the planes were flying. 

The car parking board was a relief. I found a space there. I had seen a newly opened bakery nearby as I was pulling over. I decided I would go there and see if there was anything I could buy for my nephew. 

As I was about to open the door, the noise intensified. A bunch of street dogs surrounded my vehicle. One of them went under the WagonR that stood in front of me. The rest of the dogs that followed him started a ruckus that made me jump. There were many. It was an intimidating scene, with their bare teeth and eyes full of rage.

I made an Instagram video to tell my friends about it. I couldn’t show the dogs in it. So I thought I would write a blog post about the incident. Here it is!

The biggest challenge was to let go of the desire to purchase something. I had to remain in my vehicle. When the dogs changed their location slightly, the owner of the WagonR came back and drove the car away. 

I saw that the dog was still hiding underneath the car. A swarm of dogs surrounded that one just as the car drove away. As he ran for another cover, the other dogs followed. I couldn’t make sense of the event. Perhaps, it was an initiation ceremony or some form of concerted attack. 

Until I returned from the parking space, the fear of dogs lingered in me. 

My Instagram link: 


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