Buying Groceries and Poverty Line: The Life of Someone Above the Poverty Line
Have you read all the other posts about my day out after Onam to do Three Tasks? These three tasks are included in four blog posts, which is a single long post that I broke into four parts for the less patient lot of you.
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There are Alternative and Allopathic medicine centres that give free
treatment and supply free medicines to the public, irrespective of your social
After waiting for about half an hour, the ration shop keeper was able to
distribute the kits. Between seeing the kits with our eyes and receiving them,
there were several phone calls that the shopkeeper placed to some officials in
the government to update their system with the number of kits received. This
was because everything has to run through the database of the supply chain.
Satisfactory it was and worth the wait, when I received the bulky free kit in a
white cloth bag, with a coconut oil pack served separately along with the bag.
I presume that the kits that were supplied in our ration shops did not have the
coconut oil inside the cloth bag. The ration shop people added the coconut oil
additionally to the pack.
The third reason for getting out on the road on the day was to go for
some grocery shopping. It doesn’t mean that the free grocery kit from the
ration shop wasn’t enough for me. I needed some other items that were not in
the kit, like rice. So I went to the nearby town of Chalode. The car was still
burning like an oven. It was parked under the sun for a long time near the
ration shop.
By the time I reached home, I was tired, but the VPP and the free kit
was enough to cheer up my spirit. So even though the body was tired, my mind
was in high spirits.
I hope you also received your free Onam Kit. I heard some people
criticize that Onam Kits are being distributed after Onam. It is true. But it’s
free and it looks like it’s good quality material. Does it matter anymore, now
that it is being served and is fulfilling the purpose? The beneficiaries of the
kit differ in the categorization of social class based on income. Based on the
type of ration cards many others have already received the kits before Onam.
That’s condescending for me to say that. But these categorizations are based on
some census data, I think, which might not always reveal the truth about our
financial matters. For example, even though my family owns a white ration card
(Above the Poverty Line, according to the government), I was bankrupt during the
COVID-19 lockdown period, which means even now. The money that I used to buy
groceries is borrowed money. So you can imagine the reality behind the different
kinds of ration cards.
If you received your Free Onam Kit, please comment YES below.
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