
Showing posts from September, 2013




Grace-VI This poem has no meter, It stretches like my deep skin, To the limits of my passion, Until it draws blood, Upon the inhibitions of nature. I, still, stretch it, closer to you. Bless me with just one touch, And gratify my quest for grace. NEXT PART : Tomorrow.  PREVIOUS PART: HERE What is Grace ? See the answer HERE .

Not For The Faint Of Hearts

Grace-V Love is not for the faint of hearts, Love is not for the brave ones, Love is not for the loner, either. It’s for the one, who met You, Myself —dear Grace, because of you. NEXT PART : Tomorrow.  PREVIOUS PART: HERE What is Grace ? See the answer HERE .

To Make You Smile

Grace-IV I have a reason to make you smile, I have a reason to make you look at me, I have a tender cause to attend, A solid conviction, That you and I are aligned. Without your gaze, the shade I call life, Do not exist, Grace.  NEXT PART : Tomorrow.  PREVIOUS PART: HERE What is Grace ? See the answer HERE .

I Lied About the Morning

Grace-III I lied about the morning. I lied about the sunshine. About spring, I never was truthful, I wasn’t telling you everything about life. But all you need to know about me, I tell you in three words: I love her—Grace.  NEXT PART : Tomorrow.  PREVIOUS PART: HERE What is Grace ? See the answer HERE .

Grace found

Grace-II Grace found its accommodation, When love found its way. Walls do not shatter, ever, Once built, whatever you pay. Grace colours them, with passion, Making them stand in hope’s way. Grace, you are the colour , I coloured , with you my life’s way, The wall of my incarceration. NEXT PART : Tomorrow.  PREVIOUS PART: HERE What is Grace ? See the answer HERE . 

When I turned the pages

Grace-I When I turned the pages of my life, When I thought of finding sense out of it, I found your name engraved, With the ink of love. Deep, sensible, meaningful. You are the word that means ‘me’. NEXT PART : Tomorrow.  What is Grace ? See the answer HERE . 


“I know a noble heart that beats    For one it loves how "wildly well!" I only know for whom it beats;    But I must never tell!      Never tell! Hush! hark! how Echo soft repeats,--      Ah! never tell!” —Frances Sargent Osgood (First published in the Broadway Journal on September 6, 1845)   Image Courtesy: Imagine being the moon, of being able to move away nowhere, turning away from the earth to turn back and to see the same blueness; of the nature of wandering that enables it to come back and face the same side. In writing i-poems, I feel the same, and it’s a feeling close to wonder. I come back, and face the same angel of poetry waiting for me, with unremitted passion. I am not distressed at this glorious routine, of returning at the same spot. Like a river, each time I come back to poems, they reveal something new. No one, steps into the same river twice, I r...

Why Are You an Extrovert?

The same question can be asked inversely; why are you an introvert? Extroversion and introversion are two personality types that have very serious role to play in how our social systems and cultural practices are structured. Every society has norms that validate either one or both these types. In her phenomenal work, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking Susan Cain takes a step further in analyzing the two personality types. In ‘Part Two’ of the book titled; “Your biology, Your self?” she argues the possibility of biological reasons for explicit introvert or extrovert behavior. Image Courtesy: Susan Cain quotes extensively from the findings of Jerome Kagan, the author of Galen’s Prophecy , and “one of the great developmental psychologists of the twentieth century.” Susan Cain says, “Kagan has given us painstakingly documented evidence that high reactivity is one biological basis of introversion.” (104) Extending her arguments a ...

The Way Back: A Film Review

Policeman: “Welcome to India. Paper-passport please.” Janusz, (smiling), “We don’t have any.” Adolf Hitler sent his prisoners to concentration camps, while his Russian counterpart Joseph Stalin sent away the ‘enemies of his state’ to Siberia to rot and die. ‘The Way Back’ is a drama about how a group of prisoners escaped from a Siberian Gulag camp. Most of them were arrested and sent away for charges that have nothing to do with what they did in person to the state, but what the state thought about these people. Some of them were arrested for just taking photographs of the Leningrad, accused as spies. Image Courtesy: Google Janusz reaches the camp for charges of espionage. Through his life, the story develops and many other characters come across, all in need of hope and liberation. How Janusz offers the inmates the hope of freedom may remind us of Moses and his legendary march out of Egypt with Israelites. Although he gets the idea of escaping from the camp from ano...