“I know a noble heart that beats For one it loves how "wildly well!" I only know for whom it beats; But I must never tell! Never tell! Hush! hark! how Echo soft repeats,-- Ah! never tell!” —Frances Sargent Osgood (First published in the Broadway Journal on September 6, 1845) Image Courtesy: Flicker.com Imagine being the moon, of being able to move away nowhere, turning away from the earth to turn back and to see the same blueness; of the nature of wandering that enables it to come back and face the same side. In writing i-poems, I feel the same, and it’s a feeling close to wonder. I come back, and face the same angel of poetry waiting for me, with unremitted passion. I am not distressed at this glorious routine, of returning at the same spot. Like a river, each time I come back to poems, they reveal something new. No one, steps into the same river twice, I r...