
Night and After Night.

The dark dome was stolen,
'but it will be replaced', sighed someone.
The pillars, painted with green,
stood unprovoked,
though a stir, a movement, a turmoil,
was seen on the ground.

It was altogether a new sight:
a scene without the dark dome.
It was unimagined,
exquisite and brand new.
It was a gift.
Every gift is special, bright;
it can only be marked with a light,
with the truest smile, silent.

The dark dome was a protection,
under the unknown designs-
of storms and thunders.
It had designs on its highest part;
shining buttons. And a hole,
which appears and disappears,
at times with fourteen days in between,
which passes the light in;
needed a repair, but none did anything to it.
The dome had been stolen.
The night by the sun,
to make something visible.


Terri said…
my favorite to far...loved this one!
Anu Lal said…
Thank you so much Tia. I am happy that you loved this poem. If it has caused a smile on your face, I am satisfied.
SquirrelQueen said…
A beautiful piece, you are very talented.
Unknown said…
Dear Anu

The mystic dark dome, the mysterious hole, the shining buttons and the culprit sun-wonderful imagination.And also there is your motto: Hope.

It's magical.

Yours friendly
Anu Lal said…
Dear Shamna,
Magic exists on the cost of having a person who could understand it.
Thank you.

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