
Differ Alike

[This article has formerly been published in]

Are they the similarities in us that make us think of an ideal world of unity? If yes, then what are those similarities? It is an unquestioned truth that every individual is different from the other. Even cultures, which do not acknowledge the individualism in their social set up, hardly reject this concept.

The similarities do matter and need consideration. Though wars are waged, even the war sponsors would admit the importance of peace and comfort in their own lives. In fact, it is for these basic human needs or the successful satisfaction of these needs, they wage war upon some other less privileged. (both economically and intellectually under privileged).

The division of the world by walls, political, cultural, linguistic, social, etc, is also like wars, waged. In other words, wars are a complimenting mechanism for the establishment and existence of these walls.

But isn't there something that doesn't love a wall, like Robert Frost had once remarked in his poem "Mending Wall"! And that 'something' seems to be universal for me.

History is evident that similar theories or intellectual activities or thoughts have swept many parts of the globe during the same period of time. This shows the existence of something universal in every human being, unknown to any one's reason. Sometimes it might be our differences that make us similar.

Archetypal criticism and patterns of symbols identified as archetypal symbols, in studies made by theorists like Northrop Frye, get shore on no other point. It is the universality of emotions that enable us to enjoy art, literature or movies made from any part of the world.

Now, what's the problem with your neighbour? It is only a matter with the moment, in which you see only differences between you.


Unknown said…
Dear Anu

Emotions are universal.But circumstances may not be so. Isn't there a conflict between similarities and differences? And I think ,ultimately it is the human heart that has to reconcile them and find peace that is universal.

Yours friendly

Anu Lal said…
Thank you for your insightful words.
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