
The Fallen World.

There are fallen stars,
there are fallen angels.
Everywhere the eyes can see,
the fallen world, a burning sea.
Ramshackle cultures and kingdoms.
Being a part of this world's fallen fate,
someone gave me a name.
"A Cruel Devil".
I was alone,
but I can hear the voices.
There are invisible nearness,
which I felt everywhere.
I was alone,
but I can hear the voices,
lovely though, tearing my senses,
making me dumb, stiff, and cold.
I am no fallen star, I'm no fallen angel,
though in such a place I dwell.
There was fire outside, burning,
but now, what's burning mine inside,
my mind, my heart, my brain, my world, fallen.
A fallen world: Where I'm alone...


sarath said…
why are you so pessimistic about life.let us talk about Redemption.
Terri said…
This poem makes me wonder what is going on deep with in your mind to have composed such a poem.

I'm always interested in what was the thought process behind the words you have chosed to put to paper or in this case a post.

It is thought provoking to say the least.

you can e-mail me about it if you wish.

Your Tia
Anu Lal said…
Yeah, we will chat soon Tia.Have a nice time.
Unknown said…
Dear Anu lal

It's a powerful poem, powerful enough to make us 'rethink'.I think 'loneliness' is not lonely.Our world is crowded with lonely people.But loneliness can be beautiful and creative.

For me it's like:
Inside my body iam alone
But iam madly in love with my loneliness.

Best wishes for all your artistic efforts.

Yours friendly
Anu Lal said…
Thank you so much for your heartfelt words.
Unknown said…
i fear....once a comment s made it may goes out of mind........nd d thing s i dn van to leave that theme bcoz i too s roaming n such a lonelines i van to post my congrats.....
Anu Lal said…
Thank you friend, for your words. I am dedicating my next poem for all of you, who feel near with loneliness... Do visit again..

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