Wall of Colours and Other Stories
Thanks to my cover designer, Kate Martini, Wall of Colours and Other Stories looks marvelous and charming.
Many people, through Facebook, commented about its so being. I am grateful to
Kate and her designing skills. I am also grateful to all my readers, friends,
and family, for being patient with me. I can very well understand that your
hearts are big, and love unfathomable, and so is my book. I can tell, without
any speck of doubt that there is a story for everyone’s taste, in Wall of Colours and Other Stories. It
has a big heart, and unfathomable love behind each word scribbled in it.
If you think this post is written for self-publicity, I dare say
you are not correct. My intention behind writing this piece is purely to share
my excitement with you, as I always did whenever something so deeply touching
and moving occurs in life. I find myself standing at a juncture, beyond which
everything seems more meaningful and fulfilling. The moment I published my
book, I have given a piece of my spirit to the Cosmos. I strongly believe that
the Cosmos is not a stormy sea with only one ship of life surviving, but the
Cosmos is a place teaming with all types of life, ‘beyond’ as well as ‘within’
our grasp. This thought thrills me. My book, Wall of Colours and Other Stories shares a world of stories, with the
Cosmos, and with all those life forms, physical and non-physical.
In the previous post, I mentioned how I felt when I first
observed the Kindle version of Wall of Colours and Other Stories in my Kindle reader for PC. A similar excitement
swept my pleasantly chaotic mind, when I noticed my title in Amazon.com. When I
scrolled down the page, I also found Dan Brown, with his latest book Inferno, Khaled Hosseini, and his latest
novel And the Mountains Echoed, and
James Patterson with his book, The Second
Honeymoon. These books were showcased in the “You may also enjoy them”
section in amazon.com. I cannot mention how it felt to see my own book on the
same page with those masters’.
Then a comment from one of my friends in Facebook, reminded me
of Sidney Sheldon. In his memoir written using the craft of the novel, Sheldon
describes his early worries as a writer. He says that he was unsure about the
sales of his books. Worried that he could not sell a single copy of his latest
book, he would always go to the nearest bookseller, and bought a personal copy,
assuring the sale of that one book that he always feared won’t sell.
A few people bought Wall of Colours and Other Stories, the previous day. I will call it the Beginner’s
Sign. It is a true encouragement for any writer, without a dedicated million-number
fan following. I take is as a sign saying to me, ‘you are in the right path. Yes,
you are.’
My day job does not permit me to involve in writing full time.
With your support, I can quit my day job and focus entirely on writing. This is
what I ask for, from you, a gesture of kindness. Art is the bridge between
hearts. I feel proud that I constructed one, with Wall of Colours and Other Stories.
Here is the link to my paperback and kindle editions. You can
visit these links, even if you hold no intention to purchase a copy. The price
is amazingly low, though. Still, if you do not intent to buy a copy, Amazon.com
offers a variety of other services, such as, for example, Facebook connect. You
could LIKE the Wall of Colours and Other Stories page, and share it on your Facebook, Twitter, or any other social
networking platforms. I would greatly appreciate that.
With this paragraph, I had thought I would complete this write-up.
The conclusion was good, if not super cool. Something else, though, was on the
mind of the Writer of the Book of Life, God.
I overslept today (4 July 2013, in India), as the classes were
suspended due to heavy rain. I woke up with the sound from a call my mother was
attending, in the next room. It was from my cousin, Dileep James. His voice was
trembling with excitement, as he now had a copy of Wall of Colours and Other Stories in his hands. He talked with me, and I was overwhelmed too. After the
telephone call, we had a great video chat in gmail.
He was flipping through the pages, showing the front cover, the spine,
and the back cover to me, and to my family, who swarmed around me, over the
camera. Then he was opening the pages and showing the quotes I used in the
beginning, by my grandmother, Anna. I could see his eyes, watery with
excitement, face beaming.
That was when, for the first time, my family came to know that I
really, "really" published a book, and managed to sell copies.
Laughter, questions, tears, and smiles followed.
I just want to say how grateful I am, to you, my dear brother
for giving me this wonderful morning, and a day that I can hardly ever forget
in my life.
Here is Wall of Colours and Other Stories, for you, my loyal friend.
Paperback: HERE
Kindle: HERE
By the way, did I tell you, I have an author page at amazon.com,
now? Yes, I do have a page. You can visit me here! And please do share the page
in your Facebook and other pages. I appreciate your views on the page. So
please share it in the comment box!
Anu Lal is the author of Wall of Colors and Other Stories. He lives in Kerala, South India. He blogs at The Indian Commentator
You can catch up with him in Facebook too.