
Our Lady’s Eyes | May 4

Our Lady of Fátima

There are those moments in life when I felt I kept Christ outside. It was as if I politely asked him to stay outside of the room or the house or outside of my business entirely. During those moments, I never realise the gravity of the matter. As the moment passes, a deep sense of loss and dissatisfaction envelops my mind. This is a regular occurrence. I realised the remedy to the feeling of loss and dissatisfaction in Christ. This realisation came to me late in life. I was in our parish church for Sunday Mass. There was Adoration and while I was there, a voice spoke to me. It said I must invite Christ to all my affairs, even the ones I am most ashamed of or embarrassed about. There is no need to feel shame in front of the Lord. Just tell Him what you are going through. That would help you overcome the feeling of loss and dissatisfaction. I am presently in the 90 days of the Kreupasanam Marian Covenant. Our Lady of Grace is watching over me. I am grateful.

These moments when Christ is made to move out of my life are the moments sin enters and I fall. Determined, today, I submitted myself to this calling. It is not easy, neither is it entirely difficult. We need Christ to execute this plan practically. We can’t do it on our own. May the Holy Spirit help us. The rewards of a life with Christ are many. I am eying them. I have no sincere interest in any other business, truthfully. However, often, just to satiate my sinfulness and as a result of my own foolishness, I happen to slip into activities that are outside the way shown by Christ. It is a tough battle when the world is too hard at trying to take us away from Christ.

We have a very strong shield and weapon to fight this battle and to win it eventually. It is the Holy Rosary. I have had immense benefits from praying the rosary. Firstly, it taught me that my life had not been based on the strong foundation of Christ. It was based, sadly, on many worldly concerns. As a result, I was in a toxic relationship. The person in the opposite always fed on the weaknesses of my person and turned my mistakes against me. For this, I was being constantly judged. The standard of judgement was the same standard that I used to live by. Once Our Lady of the Rosary interceded for me, I received the wisdom to root my life entirely in Christ. This was the first and foremost benefit I reaped from praying the rosary. My self-confidence came back and I felt a need to go to the Holy Confession. I confessed all my sins, especially those which were causing fingers to point at me. The enemy didn’t know that. So he kept on blaming me through the toxic relationship of the same mistakes. However, after the Confession, I was fortified in the Lord and none of the taunts worked on me ever since. I was able to reside in a better, stronger place mentally with a strong foundation in Christ.

Another benefit that is fit to mention here is the perspective that the Holy Rosary has given me. It helped me understand that to see who Jesus truly is, you need to look at him through the eyes of Our Lady. She has seen Jesus growing us as a man. She has seen Him win over sin and death, as Christ. From Bethlehem to Calvary, Our Lady has seen Him transfigure into his true divine nature. Any discussion on Jesus is meaningless until we understand His divine nature. He is God. There is a moment in human history when God actually came down to earth, not like the stories we hear about the avatars of the ancient gods who come in their flying chariots, but in actuality, as a man. He came to earth with a purpose for His creation. He did not use His creation to execute His purpose. Instead, He Himself underwent the grand design of things and suffered with men, underwent all the tragedies in normal human life, and offered what only He can: Divine Mercy, Forgiveness of sins, Himself, for us to have eternal life.

To see the divinity of Christ, appropriately, we need the mercy of the Holy Rosary. We need the help of our Blessed Mother. Holding her hand, we are led to the great mansion in heaven, to see our Saviour. I have understood one thing from my life: Mary is the best guide if we are in search of God. We won’t be misguided into thinking that some energy vibration is God, or some guru or some other crystal or card can show us God. Mary will show us that just by breathing or listening to some ancient advice, you can never see Him properly. Perhaps, you can see parts of Him or fragments of His divine Person. Even the fragments of God are enough for the thirsty seeker. However, if Mary is offering you the complete God in essence and body, why should you settle for less?

I thank our Lady for these words. The words that I have said about her and her divine son are not my own. These are inspired by the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of our Blessed Mother. Some of these experiences, I didn’t know how to discuss in public since I never had the proper words to narrate them. I haven’t revealed every personal experience with clarity due to privacy reasons. The apt size of the matter, in the required format, is presented only to give you an idea that the lived experience of the Holy Rosary is truly transformative. The Holy Rosary gives us the eyes of Our Lady.


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