
Need Kidney

From what I understand, a healthy human being can survive with just one kidney. However, any living organism requires something else, more than an organ, air, or food. It’s kindness.

Someone’s heart needs a kidney.

Larry Swilling is an American, from South Carolina. His wife, Jimmie Sue has a failed kidney. She was born with only one kidney, which started slowing down the December of 2011 (some say, from 2012). Those of my readers who are from America must have heard this story, already. I do not want to recount it here, for sympathy. My readers from other parts of the world need to know what happened next. And for them, I will tell the rest of the story.

Before I tell you what is next, I must make a request. If you are in America, living, working or born there, here is your chance to help a fellow being. You can donate your one kidney or suggest a medical facility where they have a storage bank, so that this story can have a good ending. The number to contact is below, you can see that also in the picture.
Larry Swilling
Image Courtesy:

Jimmie Sue’s blood group is O+. She has been treated by the Medical University, S Carolina.

Most importantly, it is not just about a vital organ, but also about benevolence and love. Let us show our love and concern in prayers to these couple. Let their love remain forever, and may their hearts be able to bear every hardship placed in front of them. Let us pray.

When Jimmie Sue needed a kidney, the first choice was family. No one matched, though. Larry Swilling’s kidney was not a match either. Jimmie was on the donor list too, which is the order according to which kidneys will be provided to those registered. The kidneys available through this list would be from a dead donor. In order to get an organ through this list, it would take about two to three years. Moreover, patients who receive kidney from a living donor tend to survive for a longer period than otherwise. This made Larry Swilling take a step no one had ever tried before.

Newspapers reported Larry saying, “She’s my heart.”
Larry Swilling and Jimmie Sue
Image Courtesy: CBS
From the next day onward, people saw on the streets of South Carolina, with a sandwich board on his neck, the 78 years old Larry Swilling, walking miles and miles, asking passersby, “We need all the hope and prayers we can get.” (Courtesy: CBS News)

A man is in a quest to save his heart. The sandwich board on his neck reads, “NEED KIDNEY 4 WIFE 314-0212.”

From what he shared with news channels, he receives many calls from around the world, even from countries like Egypt and Sweden. No one, though, has come forward, surprisingly, yet, as a donor.
Larry's heart, Jimmie Sue
Image Courtesy: CBS
Larry Swilling seems to be a man of honor and dedicated husband. That proves to be the one and only reason for this news to appear here, on The Indian Commentator.

May this time, Larry Swilling gets a call from a donor. We Pray.    

PS: Those images made my eyes wet.          


Loopseye said…
I want to be a live kidney donor

Blood Group is O+ and All Health Fit Weight is ~70KGs Height is ~5'7" I Hate Smoking & Drinking and My age is 20 please contact me at or +94 72 0963 481 I am in Sri Lanka and Pakistani National.

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