The Fear of Will-O'-the-Wisp.
I was not blank. But I couldn't write. For writing needs a lot of courage. I lacked it now. In Freud, I read that the lack of some things makes us go for some other feats in life. Freud was the opener of the secret doors of the human unconscious and his comment has a direct implication on the knowledge concerning the human unconscious. My need was not to enter into the trance of unconscious creative activity, but to maintain a conscious stream of thought to support my creativity: in other words, to start writing from a conscious starting spark rather than from an "inspiration", which occurs in most of the cases as an unconscious swerve of the mind into different tracks of thinking.
In this conscious effort my mind became actively involved in some other processes, generating a sort of fear: a fear of ending up in following a will-o'-the-wisp. Will-o'-the-wisp can be comprehended as a misleading or elusive goal or hope.
Undoubtedly, it can be generalized. Every writer, in one or the other time, would have faced this fear for the will-o'-the-wisp. Fear of will-o'-the-wisp is not precisely, a fear, but many of the myriad obstructions the artist envisages concerning the work of art he is about to undertake. It is a concern or over-concern that the work he is undertaking might be hindered during its progress. In other words, it is the perplexed state of the artists mind regarding the beginning of a project. In this stage he suspects the credibility of his deemed work, rethinks the whole project and probably gives up the whole project. Therefore, this can be perceived as a crucial stage for most of the writers. Some still make the courage to swim against the stream. What I noticed is that this fear burgeons in the mind of the writer and envelops it, without leaving a single opportunity to free from it, mostly when writing takes a conscious drive through the alleys and vast untrodden realms of creativity, which otherwise is taken to, by the unconscious impulses of the mind through inspiration.
Every work of art is the pursuit of a special goal. The fear of will-o'-the-wisp forces the artist to doubt his own convictions on the successful completion and logical precision of his work.
From the known multitude of historic icons of poetry, drama, prose or any other form of art, to the present fingertip geniuses, therefore, inspiration is a very significant stage in creativity. Freud or Lacan, whoever have attempted to lay bare the deep secrets of human mind, it still is deeper and ineffable that even the inspired artist may fail to represent it with his symbols and signs and words.
Nice written ....
creative and other wise. Then it seems...with out fail...I'm back on track.
I enjoyed this blog post very much. The creative process ... is quite a process at times.