
Tradition and Individual

The bride was leaving her family with her groom after the marriage, as was the custom.

“Don’t forget your tradition, daughter”-- The mother said to the bride-- “It is tradition that makes a beautiful girl adorable, a home-maker respectable, and a mother lovable. It is tradition that will tell you that peace is not resulted from the absence of conflicts but a resonance with conflicts, and that no conflict ever ends. It only becomes a source for another. Daughter, it is tradition that will tell you that a good wife can never be a good mother, and a good mother can never be a good wife; and that you only need to be a good home-maker, for only a good home maker can only be a good wife and a good mother. Remember. Remember the tradition. It will help you to be a ruler while being a subject and instruct you that your inclinations will perform magic. Do not forget this, my dear--The mother stopped and looked at her daughter.

The bride raised her head and said--“Mother…”And with a pause, she resumed--“Mother, I will never remember the word ‘tradition’.

The mother was stunned. “Why?”--was the only word got through her mouth.

“Because I am afraid.”-The bride said.

She waited for the mother’s question. —’Why?’
But the mother was silent and couldn’t get herself out of the shock. It was the first time that the mother heard somebody, among women, rejecting her tradition, and that too because of fear.

The bride, as she didn’t hear a question from her mother, continued—“I am afraid from the word ‘tradition’. Because it reminds me of the remnants of the past, of the skeletons, skull and a stench from the grandfather’s grave, when the grandmother was taken to the burial. And you know, mother that how much I am afraid of such things. So don’t ask me to remember my tradition.”

The mother wept. She knew that it was tradition for the mother to weep when her daughter departed in marriage.
And the bride went with her groom, without thinking what her tradition was.


Terri said…
You can feel the difference between the mother's emotions and thoughts on tradition and the daughter's in the way you have written this. No matter where you may stand on the subject or how you may feel. To get that feeling across with words is a gift and a talent. Well done.
Anu Lal said…
Thank you so much Tia Teri for your comment.

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