A CONVERSATION THAT SPREADS LIGHT- Sree Narayana Guru: Part II Essay Questions-1
Readings on Kerala (1A02ENG)
I Semester UG Common Course
1. Describe the origin of the pilgrimage to Sivagiri.
is located in Thiruvananthapuram district. It’s a pilgrimage centre and the
resting place of Sree Narayana Guru (1855-1928), philosopher, poet, and social
reformer. In 1928 Vallabhassery Govindan Vaidyar and T K Kittan Writer approach
Sree Narayana Guru seeking his permission to establish Sivagiri as a pilgrimage
centre. “A Conversation that Spreads Light” is written by Prof. M K Sanu, a
prominent writer, educator, and intellectual of Kerala. It’s translated into
English by Dr Lakshmi Priya N.

Vallabhassery Govindan Vaidyar
and T K Kittan Writer visit Sree Narayana Guru on 19 January 1928. The purpose
of their visit was to request Guru to declare Sivagiri as a pilgrimage centre.
Guru concedes to their request after assessing the relevance of a pilgrimage
centre in Sivagiri as there are other holy places nearby. The idea was to
establish a new pilgrimage centre that permitted people who faced
discrimination from the upper caste Hindu society to worship and come together
without any restrictions. His disciples tell him that places of worship kept by
upper-caste Hindus are unapproachable by the downtrodden people who face
dishonour, financial loss, and physical torture from the upper caste people.
Guru gives his consent in establishing a site for pilgrimage.
further prods his disciples to fully understand the customs or methods to carry
out the pilgrimage. He also tests his disciples as to what should be the main
goals of the pilgrimage. In delineating the methods adopted for performing the
pilgrimage, Guru suggests yellow garment and ten days’ abstinence. The
abstinence of ten days is by the practicality of the enterprise, according to
Guru. He understands that none would be able to perform a longer period of
austere abstinence. Guru asserts that the pilgrims should maintain thrift and
discipline during the pilgrimage. He recommends that a person can use a white
garment dipped in turmeric to replace the use of costly dressing materials. The
expense for the pilgrimage should not exceed the bare minimum money required to
travel from the source to Sivagiri. He also delineates the eight aims of the
pilgrimage namely education, cleanliness, piety, organization, cultivation,
trade, handicrafts, and technological training.
the gestation of the notion of pilgrimage Guru crafts the tools for social
change. He prescribes that the pilgrimage can be assisted with lectures on the
eight aims by experts in the respective fields, thereby proclaiming social
change. The establishment of the pilgrimage site is one of the
counter-movements by Guru that subverts existing models of caste-based power
structures. He liberates spirituality from the clutches of caste-based