UFO-BIRD-FLU-COINCIDENCE: Shocking Revelations from Kerala
On 30 October 2014, during a rainy day, just after sunset, the
people of Kochi were said to witness an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the
sky: Author Anu Lal analyses.
Image Courtesy: Google |
Drawing a circle of fifty-kilometer diameter with Alapuzha at
its centre could cover both Kochi and Pathanamthitta well within its boundaries.
With evidence of bird flu of H5N1 type in this region within weeks of the UFO’s
appearance, the connection can be more than just a co-incidence. Whether what
had happened could be explained away, using rational explanations or scientific
theories or not, is not the important question here. Is there, actually, a
connection between the UFO and the H5N1? The authorities should establish the
connection if there is one. And they must, also prove it scientifically or by
any other means possible, if there isn’t any.
To this day, however, the government gave no explanations, and
no media have taken a serious look at the possible “UFO-bird-flu-coincidence”
either. What makes me think about this UFO event at Kochi, is the complete lack
of any form of reference about this event in the media, except the day after
the sighting, when a couple of English news papers ran the story, print and
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Image Courtesy: Google |
The Kochi UFO sighting that transpired on 30 October 2014 is the
first of its kind ‘reported’ in Kerala. Not many Indian people are familiar
with the history of Unidentified Flying Objects in India. Ramayana and Mahabharata,
the two Indian epics, are filled with depictions of flying chariots and “sky
people”. The recent blockbuster documentary on History Channel, titled “Ancient
Aliens” narrates in detail some of the ancient connections this country had
with civilizations existing outside of planet earth. The technology or flying
machines, laser guns, and nuclear weapons, etc. were used as motifs in the
grand narrative of Ramayana and Mahabharata.
I do not think many of us paid attention to this news item that appeared
recently in a national daily. In a news story published in 15 July 2014, in
Times of India, Rashmi Drolia reports that 10,000-year-old ancient rock
paintings were discovered in Chhattisgarh, Central India.
“The paintings are done in natural colours
that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen
holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. Specially, the nose
and mouth are missing. In few pictures, they are even shown wearing space
suits. We can't refute possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans
usually fancy such things," the newspaper quotes an archeologist.
[courtesy: Time
of India, July 15, 2014
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Image Courtesy: Google |
The UFO that appeared in Kochi is reportedly “needle-like” and has
many of the characteristics, usually reported in similar cases. Does this prove
that in Kochi, Kerala, we compromised our aerial security?
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