
Contest for "The Circle of Friends Award"

Hi there, as I promised in my previous post, here are the five questions, after answering which you would be selected for The Circle of Friends Award. But as every good contest or game, here also we have a rule or game plan. Play within the rules.

Rule number one: The participant must be a follower of my blog, The Indian Commentator. If you are not a follower, you can follow right now and start participating in the contest.

two: You must answer all the five questions if you want to secure your victory.

Three: You should write the answers in the comment box below with properly numbering each of the answers. Remember, if you could not make sure that the numbers given to each of the questions are not followed in the answers, you might lose the chance to be a winner even if all your answers are correct.

  •  All the questions are based on my blog: The Indian Commentator.    
  • You can use the tools given on your right hand side in the blog to find out the answers. Also you can scroll down and read the older posts for finding the answers.
  • You can write the answers in the comment box below.
  • Please write the question numbers for the respective answers.
  • The answers must be posted on or before 12th of this month, Saturday. 
  • Winners will be announced on Monday 14th June 2010.

As I promised, I will give away The Circle of Friends Award for the winners. Also their names along with the links will be displayed in my blog. Thus you can get the readers from over one hundred countries visiting your blog.

So what are you waiting for? Get ready to make the difference. Remember, the answers are here. It is only a matter of finding them that makes the difference, just like you found me!


1)What is the title given for the seventh drop of "Tears"?

2) What is the title of my first series of i-poems?  

3) Who is known as the god of the Indian cricket?

4)An author has been quoted in the beginning of the poem "The Myth". Who is that author?

5)The post "The Silent Scream" carries the picture of a superhero. Who is that superhero? 
Dead line: 12 June 2010. Saturday.
All the best for the participants.

Waiting for your answers,
The Indian Commentator.


Sheri said…
hello,anulal! how exciting to be the first one to try my hand at your questions! by the way, your blogs has a great new look, very summery :)
1.the cure
3.Sachin Tendulkar, who joined twitter on may 5, 2010 in case you were wondering ;)
4.Carlos Casteneda, author
5.the one and only superman
Terri said…
1.The Cure
3.Sachin Tendulkar
4.Carlos Casteneda

I was hoping to the first...Oh well,
Sheri beat me
Way to go Sheri (smile)
i could copy from above, but have to be honest.
have fun in the game!
Anu Lal said…
Thank you folks for posting answers and comments. The result will be announced in the next post. All the best!!
Anu Lal said…
Oops! There are some techncal errors, friends. I will make the post announcing the winners tomorrow.

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