"SWADES"-An Inspiring movie
Shahrukh Khan starrer, “Swades”, directed by Ashutosh Govarikar, felt an interesting movie.
A NASA based scientist searches his roots through Kaveri Amma, a distant relative who looked after him in his childhood. He finds her in a rural and obscure village. There he
comes across contingencies, which need his indulgence. He solves their problem of electricity at the end of the film. The search of the protagonist for Kaveri Amma, can be seen symbolically as the search for the motherland itself.
Though he solves one problem in an easy way, many problems remain untouched, which are rather important and soul pricking than the solved one. But the arrival of electricity can be symbolically treated as the arrival of knowledge and a new revolution. Thus an easy solution can be drawn out for the unspoken matters.
In some scenes, the director is able to slap the viewer through some concept breaking dialogues like some on India’s tradition and culture-“Bharat duniya ka sabse mahan desh hai”(India is the greatest nation on earth). The protagonist cracks this cliché on the occasion of a dispute on cast issues, meaning that India is greatest only in discriminations based on cast-system. Thus unlike the old “Bharat Kumar” movies, Swades gives a more realistic picture of contemporary India and the so-called Indian ness.
In the present global socio economic vista, certain regions in India are developing, but certain other regions still remain in the darkness of illiteracy and unemployment.
“Swades” is not a great masala movie for a typical bollywood film lover but a person who is interested in the art of filmmaking or in the social commitment of different artistic forms, can derive a great pleasure from watching the movie. For the film has got something in it which they can cherish of. That is from women empowerment to the solution of power crisis…
A NASA based scientist searches his roots through Kaveri Amma, a distant relative who looked after him in his childhood. He finds her in a rural and obscure village. There he

Though he solves one problem in an easy way, many problems remain untouched, which are rather important and soul pricking than the solved one. But the arrival of electricity can be symbolically treated as the arrival of knowledge and a new revolution. Thus an easy solution can be drawn out for the unspoken matters.
In some scenes, the director is able to slap the viewer through some concept breaking dialogues like some on India’s tradition and culture-“Bharat duniya ka sabse mahan desh hai”(India is the greatest nation on earth). The protagonist cracks this cliché on the occasion of a dispute on cast issues, meaning that India is greatest only in discriminations based on cast-system. Thus unlike the old “Bharat Kumar” movies, Swades gives a more realistic picture of contemporary India and the so-called Indian ness.
In the present global socio economic vista, certain regions in India are developing, but certain other regions still remain in the darkness of illiteracy and unemployment.
“Swades” is not a great masala movie for a typical bollywood film lover but a person who is interested in the art of filmmaking or in the social commitment of different artistic forms, can derive a great pleasure from watching the movie. For the film has got something in it which they can cherish of. That is from women empowerment to the solution of power crisis…