
What is "Academic" Writing?: Comprehension Questions, from 1-5

Notes to Core Course II Semester, B A English, Kannur University.

Name of Course: Academic Writing, Methodology and Research Project
Code: 2B02 ENG
Prescribed Text: Methodology of Humanities and Academic Writing

Module IV
What is "Academic" Writing?

Comprehension Questions

1. What is academic writing?
Academic writing is writing in college. Academic writing is always a form of evaluation that asks you to demonstrate knowledge and show proficiency with certain disciplinary skills of thinking, interpreting, and presenting. According to Lee Ann Carrol, academic writing requires knowledge of research skills, ability to read complex texts, understanding of key disciplinary concepts, and strategies for synthesizing, analyzing, and responding critically to new information, usually within a limited time frame.  

2. Identify the three characteristics of academic writing. 
As per the research conducted by Chriss Thaiss and Terri Zawacki at George Mason University, the three characteristics of academic writing are: 
  1.        Clear evidence in writing that the writer(s) have been persistent, open-minded, and disciplined in the study. 
  2.      The dominance of reason over emotions or sensual perception. 
  3.    An imagined reader who is coolly rational, reading for information, and intending to formulate a reasoned response. 
Academic writing should be the result of critical reading, research, and analysis. 

3. What are writing assignments? 
Writing assignments are 'literacy tasks'. A student will be required to write an "essay" based upon his or her analysis of some reading (s). In this essay, he or she must present an argument where a claim should be made (i.e. present a "thesis") and support that claim with good reasons that have adequate and appropriate evidence to back them up. Such essays are called writing assignments. 

4. What are the features of college writing assignments? 
The major feature of college writing assignments is that they are argumentative and analytical. There are three types of writing assignments: The Closed Writing Assignment, The Semi-Open Writing Assignment, and The Open Writing Assignment. Research is a crucial component in most of the college writing assignments.

5. Define Research Skills.
Research skills involve knowing how to find information in the library, especially what is available from online databases which contain scholarly articles. Researching is also a process. One should learn how to focus and direct a research project and how to keep track of all the source information.  

Next: Part- II Comprehension Questions, from 6-10


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