
THE STORY OF BEING A SUCCESSFUL AUTHOR: Interview with Kevin Missal, author of Kalki and Narasimha Trilogy

Narasimha is the first book in The Mahaavatar Trilogy by Kevin Missal, soon to be released by Harper Collins Publishers. He surprised the Indian readers with his thrilling mythological fantasies such as the Kalki books. His approach towards the presentation of books including the publishing and marketing is unique in its merit. He is not just an exaggerated market phenomenon. He writes well. He is good at crafting stories.

            So I decided to ask him my trademark six questions.

1. Narasimha' s story is known to me as a ferocious Avatar coming out of a pillar at the request of Prahlada. I have always wondered what happened to the Avatar after that and before that moment also. Is everything your story tells us fantasy like your version of Kalki? Or have you unearthed mythological subtexts for your book?

            They are in itself reimagining but if one digs deeper, everything is connected to the original mythology. For instance, Kalki's journey to Mahendragiri was not fabricated. It's from mythology. Hanuman helping him is from mythology. Many think that I just write fantasy, but it's not true. There's a lot more mythology in it. 

2. You seem to understand the Science of book covers. The cover of Kalki trilogy is fantabulous. What was the process of designing a book cover for Narasimha? 

            Just make it bright, beautiful and dynamic. 

3. What was your first communication to HarperCollins publishers like when you pitched Narasimha? Had you completed the novel by then? 

            I didn't pitch them. It was my agent. He sent it to the CEO on WhatsApp and Harper Collins wanted exclusivity on it. I had completed the novel by then. 

4. What's your writing routine?

            I write for 9-10 hours a day. 

5. Does your family support you in your life as a writer? Is the support of family important in this journey? Tell us how you introduced Narasimha to your family.

            They do. They always have. When I told them, I wrote on Narasimha, my dad really liked the message I was trying to show. 

6. This question is a fossil question. But I have to ask this anyway. What's your advice to writers who are new in this industry?

            Save money for marketing. Don't be egoistic. Learn. Make mistakes. 


stephen boka said…
I like the new look on your blog, Anu.

Anu Lal said…
Thank you Steve

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