
Showing posts from January, 2015



A definitive evidence of the extraterrestrial invasion in India in the modern times is the red rain phenomenon. Before investigating the unnatural event that left many guessing about its true cause, it is important to make ourselves comfortable with the intellectual data available to support the fact that there has been contact from intelligent beings from outside of our plant.                                                A reader asks: “Are UFO stories real?” Image Courtesy: The answer to that question is, yes. Most of the reports and stories circulating around UFO sightings are real. However, there are a certain percentage of UFO sightings that could not be validated based on solid proof or evidence. I am not overlooking the fact that there are many hoaxes and f...

ALIEN SKY: An Introduction to UFO sightings in Kerala

Unidentified Flying Objects are always part of a mystery that has not yet found its much awaited conclusion. No one has been able to convince the media, or the mainstream society of the truth behind these flying objects, which perform unseen-before stunts in our skies. Is it possible that these flying objects are actually vehicles or machines in which beings from some other planet or dimension visit our planet? Although there exists several solid evidences to prove this hypothesis true, our mainstream media does not seem to buy into that state of affairs. In the first chapter of this series, you have already seen that “On 30 October 2014, during a rainy day, just after sunset, the people of Kochi were said to witness an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the sky”.     Image Courtesy: Google How many of you know that even before, Kerala’s skies have witnessed an intervention of the extraterrestrial type? One of my personal experiences with UFOs dat...

BREACH BY AMRITA CHOWDHURY: A Young Nation’s Crooked Finger

“Especially in a country with five hundred million below poverty line. That change in price meant life and death for many of them.” (13) Breach , Amrita Chowdhury. Amrita Chowdhury : Image Courtesy: Breach is a cyber thriller set in the heart of the growing IT industry in India. The novel unfolds life and times on the narrow edges of technology and hope. In her second attempt at fiction, author Amrita Chowdhury has a remarkable contribution to Indian fiction in English. A few years back another book came out, which I remember, was about India’s new industrial growth and its aftermath on people. The book was The White Tiger ; released in 2008.   India, as a nation, is relatively new to the world of technology. However, this same nation is now called the new champion of cyber world. India has overtaken not just the USA or many other European counterparts; she has overthrown many despotic success makers across the world in the rate of her growth in cyber in...

BIRD-FLU: Biological Weapon or The Contact?

The UFO that appeared in Kochi on 30 October 2014 is reportedly “needle-like” and has many of the characteristics, usually reported in similar cases. A needle-like object could also indicate rockets or any similar types of destructive flying machines, made by man. Does this prove that in Kochi, Kerala, we compromised our aerial security? Image Courtesy: China is India’s closest residing superpower, and a constant military threat. Pakistan’s recent attempts to help terrorists to infiltrate on boarder territories also add significant political weight to the situation. However, surprisingly, the authorities seem very much ignorant of even the occurrence of the UFO event in Kochi. The fourth estate also seems incapable of bringing it out into public attention. The only way such a situation can be overcome over come with clarity and answers is to bring it into public attention. One positive aspect of the contemporary UFO research in the US is the increased nu...