Dalitality or Brutality? Two girls and a Burning Conscience
Rape is to force someone to have
sex when they are unwilling, using violence or threatening behaviour.
This is the definition, upon which the law of morality and judiciary works, not
the Indian politicians, not the media guys, not the intellectuals. I pained to
see the recent developments surrounding a rape happened in Delhi . The victim has lost her struggle to
get back to life. She failed in what we can call an instinct all of us will
have when we are brutally chased to death—the struggle to exist. In the sane
social life, it is better to die than living a life of shame, but when it comes
to real life, we all will struggle for our life.
Last month,
exactly 16th of December, I bought Chennai Times and read the news
about Jacintha Saldanha’s death, with an add attached with it: ‘if you want the
latest update of the news and how Jessica’s parents feel about it now, just
download our mobile app in your phone”. This says everything, everything that’s
This article is delayed a bit in being published. One
reason for this delay was the potential threat from governmental policies regarding
how to handle the protests. The second reason was the involvement of political
parties in the Delhi
rape issue. The protests, though began as an apolitical movement, later took a stringently
political nature. The Indian Commentator is an apolitical space. It has no
affiliation or opposition with any of the political parties in India or
anywhere in the world.
When a fellow
being is struggling hard to hold on to life, what our fellow human beings need
to do?
Image Courtesy: Sarath Krishnan |
Image Courtesy: Sarath Krishnan |
The following
are the lines of argument made by Arundhati Roy and some Dalit activists, or so
I have understood them (http://www.reporteronlive.com/story/5897/index.html).
incident got unusual media support and popular support because the victim is
from the middle class family and the culprit from the lower class. The upper
class people in India
can’t accept the idea of a lower class man raping a middle class woman, so they
are offended greatly. Every day, similar atrocities are happening against the
Dalits in India ,
but no one bothers.
problem with this view is that the girl who was in the hospital (dead now), was
not responsible for the “caste based” rapes that happen in India . Who am I
to say that, right? Poor me! If we say Dalits are being raped every day and the
victims are from the lower class family, and so he should be prosecuted and so
on, I have only one silly, (yes, very silly) question, “Do you guys want
reservation in rapes too?”
silly, (yes silly again) question, “Will the rapists ask for caste and
community certificates while performing the heinous act upon your body?” Can I
ask one more question? What about the people who protested in the streets of Delhi ? Were they all from
upper caste or upper class? Poor me, I can’t understand these theoretical
analyses. I am just a human being, nothing but human. What I do have is just
some crap of commonsense.
When I read the
intellectualized versions of the rape victim of Delhi , (Jyothi or Amanda, whatever
sentimental names TV channels call her) I felt shocked. The response of the
police and the governments did not instill a different feeling in me. The ad
that sells the feelings of the Jacintha’s family was yet another humongous
shock. I am not used to such “adult material” in cruelty.
I read several Sci-Fi
in which through some scientific experiments or so, humans are replaced by mutants,
with extra-human powers. I would say, we already passed that stage, we are that
mutants, who can’t feel those very human emotions, that of compassion, love,
sympathy and so on. I myself, yes, I myself doing the same thing, raping it for
the thousandth time… Oh, Lord, Forgive me for this Sin!
Article By—
Sarath Krishnan
For the first
time in its history, The Indian Commentator is publishing a guest post by
another author. This article is written by a friend of mine, Mr. Sarath
Krishnan. When he mailed this article to me, asking to read it and let him know
what I feel about it, I did not hesitate to ask him permission for publishing
the article in my blog. It was more of a favour from his side to allow me the
permission to publish it.
Today the whole
of humanity, especially, Indian morality (the same morality that never lets a
man walk with a woman) is ashamed on Delhi-girl’s death. Let’s pray for the
peace of our own mind first and then the peace of her innocent soul.
But i didn't understand the statement made by Arundhathi Roy and also your remark on it.
Can you please clarify it?
She made it a Dalit issue! That is a pitiable thinking, was my friend's stand on this matter. The author of this article is Sarath Krishnan, a well-known critic and thinker.
Thanks a lot