
Songs of the Soul

Image Courtesy: Google
A bridge stands for a purpose between every ‘you and me’ in the world. There would be words filling the bridge, traversing from the depth of a beating heart to the delicate and receptive cup of a pure soul. I would rather say I am wordless when talking about this phenomenon, which we usually identify as “words spoken between two”.  There are terms like communication, talk, conversation, dialogue, and even monologue in order to explain this bridge. Whatever name we give it, this is the bridge that brings us together and makes us stay close with each other. But sometimes, we don’t find words to express what we feel, towards ourselves, the other, or God. These are the moments of vacant buoyancy. We float like a weightless bubble on the surface of the river of life and someone comes along in the form of a touch, a gust of breeze or like of a storm and takes us to a destination, according to who they are. We just float towards an unknown destination.

We cry, there would be no other way to express what we feel in those times; wordless times. Tears shed for someone else, could suggest a couple of things: one—that it is enough of the person in your life; two—that you could not have enough of him. When you cry in front of your God, you do it for the latter. You sing with your soul, but no words come out and you wonder why was I so naïve to think God is listening when there were no words spoken and no meaning made.

When we shed a drop of tear in love, we do it for both the reasons. We hate who we love, for being so helpless and struck with awe at the magnificence of love, standing at the other end of the bridge. We love and still we cannot tell how much. We know it, but we do not know it at all.

Here are a new series of i-poems.

They are my attempt to find out what lies in the bridge between you and me, when there are no words to serve as messengers across it.

I call them: “Songs of the soul”

Here is the first installment. Hope you would like it and your soul will rejoice in it, like you did when I wrote my other poems, too. O Muse, here I am, singing for you…
Image Courtesy: Google

Songs of the Soul
The clock pushed from the cliff of time,
Has a tick to cry back.
A joy stricken bird invades the sky,
With open wings and a song from its heart.
When your words tap the strings of my soul, though,
The sorry me; stand wordless!


cha said…
dear,thank you so much for sharing this beautiful,blessed poem with a cryptic beginning.truly mystifying.blessings:)chaks
Terri said…
Yeah!! Another i-poem series...I love when you do these!!! You are off to a wonderful running start!
Cryptic indeed.
Your Tia
Anu Lal said…
@ Chakks: Thank you dear! big hugs to you for those magical words you mentioned about me!

@ Tia Terri: Thank you Tia for the encouraging words. And the special mail ;)Hugs!

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