My Book is Bestseller!
Dear friends, I am on Amazon's bestseller list with my new book You Should Know How I Feel ... Courtesy: An Indian author of CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE in Amazon's bestseller list!! you should know how i feel… is in Amazon top 100 paid e books in CONTEMPORARY ROMANCE, above, E. L James, Barbara Taylor Bradford, Melissa Foster, Colleen Hoover and the like!! Get your copies and feel the passionate love within... You Should Know How I Feel reached your Kindle devices on 20 March! Your favorite love story now has a place to stay- in your love-filled hearts. Why 20 th March? I needed a day that could be remembered, a day that the whole world can connect to, so that the releasing date could be in harmony with the book. You Should Know How I Feel is a collection of stories in the contemporary romance genre. You Should Know How I Feel will entertain its readers and take them into a land ...