“God is love, and he that remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him.”—1John 4:16
Here is the final part of “The Unsaid” i-poems.
I too have.
The moment you find out mine,
And I yours;
Love, and pray that you are being loved.
One of my readers once asked me why most of my poems revolve around the idea of love. I could not answer the question then, because at that time it was a revelation to me. I was never aware of it. Every time after trying many other themes I resort to the theme of love to gain back my internal peace and spiritual gratification. Even though, many of i-poems were on topics such as “Destiny”, “Rain”, “Distances”, etc, all of them revealed the presence of a unique and at the same time universal theme, love, which often was mystic in its temperament and profane in its roots. I thank that friend for helping me lead to this realization about my own art.