

Rahman's Connections

Congrats AR!! for THE GOLDEN GLOBE...

A.R. Rahman’s charismatic music is once again rocking the music lovers, in India and all over the world. Just after the huge success of the Hindi film Gajini’s music, he has returned with a new music album with nine tracks, titled “Connections”.

The song “jiya se jiya” is creating waves in all music channels. This song would be available in some new models of Nokia phone also. The picturization of the song is exceedingly beautiful, similar to the mesmerizing music.

Beware of your feet! They may start rocking without your permission, on Sivamani’s drumbeats! It is no doubt a dancing track, and inspiring as well, like some romantic melodies.

The video has a placard shown in it, which reads: “Free Hugs”. People are seen showing these placards and giving hugs to each other. This, I think, gives a very important social message—spread love and compassion everywhere.

In the video, you can see people offering hugs to each other, irrespective of the gender differences and sexualities. This video arises some answers to those questions, which were being asked by the Indian minds in the post Mumbai attack period. The questions are: how united we are? Don’t we mind living in an estranged world? In what way we are Indians? What’s India’s reply to the Mumbai terror assaults? Thus the video excels the usual-feel- good- sort of albums.

This song and its video is a reply to all these questions. The celebration of Indianness, the celebration of youth, the celebration of metro sexuality, and a celebration of “jaadu ki jhappi”, the compassionate hug can be found in this song. A face has been offered, which is rather new, to the up coming generation of India. More united, that phase of India’s future would be. “Free Hugs”: this is the slogan, used to demolish the barriers among divided minds in this largest democratic country. In fact, I think, this is the way to show Indian ness. It is the celebration of love and brother hood. And this is our reply to those hogs, which had tried to kneel Indians, down through the Mumbai attacks. (Sorry for the over sentimentality. But as a matter of fact, every Indian is a bit over sentimental when it comes to his motherland and bolly wood films!! “Bharat ka reh ne waala hoon, bharat ki baat sunata hoon...”)

In the video “Free Hugs is the way in which a revolution is being tried to brought up. If we ponder on it a bit, we can see that this itself is the revolution. Fighting hatred and violence with love! One of the out ward expressions of love is to hug each other. This is a way of sharing joys and sorrows. Let me remid you the “ jaadu ki jhappi” from the Raj Kumar Hirani directed, Sunjay Dutt starrer film, “ Munna Bhai M.B.B.S”.

No matter who ever you are and what ever you are, disregarding your gender, your prejudice and every thing, be free. Hug your friend. Hug, those whom you meet on a particular day of the year. For this effect celebrate a day in a year as the hugging day! Sounds ridiculous? Just check this thing out and you will realize that you can’t hate that person, whom you have hugged, any more. You can harm that person; you can’t cheat that person! The same will happen with others also.This is a sort of realization of what Gandhiji had said in his autobiography—love is the only way to fight back the evil.
In order to understand these ideas, first, you must understand what or who a metro sexual is. As I said earlier, this song and the video is a celebration of youth and metro sexuality. A metro sexual-meaning-wise-is, a person who is giving too much attention to his looks. But along with this, there are some aspects also there that can be identified with the Indian metro sexual youth. That is no gender barriers restrict them and they can mingle with each other without any need to restrain them selves. They are well aware of themselves and their society. It is this generation, which has to change the future of India into a more promising one.

So this revolution of brotherhood is for them and—let me borrow Aravind Adiga’s words from his novel “THE WHITE TIGER”—not for those ‘sister-fuckers’!!!

What are you waiting for dear? Go and give your best friend, a Big Hug...


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